So I love the random surveys that pop up in my newsfeed, I also love the brutally honest answers kids have! This year I got the kids involved with my Father's Day blog! Although none of the answers were belly laugh funny, they are all very true!
Here are Carson's top 5 reasons he has the best dad:
1. He lets me work with him
2. He lets me mow with him
3. He lets me help grade the driveway on the 4-wheeler with him

1. He lets her work with him in her walker
2. Gives her a kiss and hug and tells her goodbye in the morning and she gets so excited to wave at him
3. He changes her poopy diaper if mom is busy
4. He Plays with her
5. He lets her play in the water when he’s washing stuff so she can get dirty
While I am grateful for my own dad and my husband today I'm also thankful for all these awesome dads that have (willingly and enthusiastically) trusted me to capture these moments with their sweet babes. I hope all of you got to enjoy they day with an awesome dad in your life!