What a year 2017 has been! A whirlwind which was sure to get us geared up for a crazy 2018 as well. As I reflect back on all that we have been through and look forward to all that is to come I'm so thankful, optimistic, and tired.
Let me first just say that having a 3 1/2 year old made Christmas this year the best ever. Everything was magical and I had more fun watching him enjoy himself than anything else. I slowed down enough that I was able to take some time off to really enjoy the holidays and also do some organizing in my house.
For 2018 I want to be more present no matter at work or home. With Carson, friends and family to just shut work off, which is not easy to do as a business owner. There is always something that can be done for work but I am getting better about separating work and home and will continue to work on that.
For business I hope to keep up on my bookwork better. This is kind of a revolving one for me as it was also a goal for 2017 and I don't look for it to change anytime soon! HA! Building my newborn/baby planner business. I've said it so many times but watching the squishy newborns grow is just my favorite! Also using #hashtags. Do you know how hard it is to get accustomed to the ever changing world of social media as an adult? Nothing makes me feel older than trying to figure it out! Working smarter not harder. This is a famous line that rings through my head every once in awhile. Come spring when my business is usually picking up for the season I will be home snuggling my new baby, when I return summer will be in full swing so I'll need to figure out the working smarter part or just learn to not require sleep.
At home I have until April 1st to get the baby's room gutted and put back together before my husband leaves me as a turkey hunting widow. That's the easy part, the other portion is to convince my husband that our threenager isn't the worst behaved child on the face of the earth. Yes we need to work on his back talk and running his mouth but hey, life's a journey right!?
Tell me what goals and resolutions you have! Misery loves company, right? If you want me to tell you about me you have to tell me about you too! Happy New Year To All!!
Here's a little look at our Christmas season!