Summer... be still my heart! The camping and boating and the fair and just being outside and loving life! I love it all!! We have enjoyed every fun filled day so far! Camping has shockingly been a huge success, largely because we have awesome friends that are willing to help with my not-ideal-camping-aged child(ren). Carson has had an absolute blast riding his bike around the campgrounds with the big kids. Boating looks a little different for us these days... it consists of turning our pontoon into a docking station and putting out the Maui Mat. The kids LOVE IT!! The adults don't complain about it when we get to claim it as our space to lay out either. Miss Piper has proven to still just go with the flow, as long as she gets a good nap and I have plenty of snacks she is set for our adventures!

I would love to hear about how all of you lovely clients have been spending the dog days of summer too!!