This season has undoubtedly been one of my busiest to date. I know I have said it (what feels like) 100 times since the end of summer but I am SO THANKFUL for your PATIENCE in recent months! It has forced me to set some goals for 2018 and to learn that it's okay to say no sometimes. I have truly LOVED working with everyone and hope I was honest about my work load and your gallery timeline. I am finally caught up with fall and oh so happy about that, now it's on to Christmas cards!
I know how much you all love your facebook sneak peaks, and I will be the first to admit that I have slacked big time in that department. I felt like it was better time management to actually work on getting your galleries out than to spend the time fighting with facebook on posting, sharing, tagging etc. I promise to still get you those peeks so that you can share and use them as your profile pictures.
As I sort through deciding what to share on the blog I get giddy all over again! It was such a pretty year! I so appreciate each and everyone of you. I do not take your business for granted and look forward to seeing you again!
....So without further ado I give you my hard work for the past few months! I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving with those you love the most!