Congratulations! You have a bun in the oven! One of the most exciting (and exhausting...that is until you have a baby who doesn't sleep for a year) times in your life! You will no doubt have highs and lows throughout the next few months. Let me help ease some of the stress about newborn photography! I get asked questions all the time about when/how to book these sessions and the truth is we plan ahead and sometimes it works perfect and sometimes things have to be adjusted, because let's be honest... life throws us curve balls from time to time.
You'll want to do your research for a photographer while you’re still pregnant. Planning ahead makes everything in life easier, but this is not always the case and I have plenty of calls after baby is here. Finding the perfect fit for your new baby and family is important. You want to feel comfortable with your photographer. Life after a new baby comes home is busy enough, I like to think having a sessions scheduled already will help that small aspect of life run smoother. I allow time in my schedule to always move these around, especially if I know I have lots of babies due right around the same time.
If you want the squishy sleeping baby poses schedule your session within baby's first two weeks. If for some reason that does not allow or you were not prepared, no worries you will still get adorable images, baby might be more awake or possibly in clothes instead of naked poses. Just keep in touch with me, it's never to early to call and ask questions!
What to expect during a session:
2-3 hours allowing for feedings and lots of snuggles.
Warmth... I crank the heat to 80 and baby gets their own personal heater. They LOVE being warm and cozy to get those snuggly poses. It's more important for baby to be comfortable so dress appropriately, it's going to be warm in here!
Relax... Babies feel stress, I try and make this as chill and stress free as possible. No worries if your little one doesn’t sleep right away or wakes up. I love extra snuggles or if they need mommy snuggles there is plenty of time. I've been the client with an uncooperative newborn, I feel your pain. I will give it my all, but if baby is just having an off day and needs to come back the next to finish it wouldn't be the first or the last time.
Poop... Yep it happens! I get pooped on and my stuff gets pooped on. No worries I have a washing machine, and it all gets cleaned up later. You’re not the only one to have a baby that wasn’t born potty trained ;)
It's no secret these tiny babes are my favorite subject, it you'd like to read more about my love for them, you can find a previous post here.