I'm nearing the end of my pregnancy and feeling extremely nostalgic. The changes that are coming to my life and thinking about how fast the first year will go. I just had to go with a baby planner this week. A sweet little girl that's just to cute not to share! Meet Harper Peterson and her parents. Mom Kim is a Chiropractic Assistant and Dad Jake is a Logistics Coordinator at Hog Slat.
Harper was an adorably perfect newborn and a super smiley 6 month old but her personality has definitely begun to shine now that she's one! She loves to read, help in the kitchen, loves to play outside and she LOVES animals, especially goats and dogs! She can tell you what sound several animals make and loves to talk, sing and dance. Her favorite places besides home are the Peterson Family Farm and the grocery store. What a riot!
It was an honor to see so much of your family throughout the last year and I look forward to seeing more of you in the future!
Mar 12, 2018, 10:53:27 AM
Linda Stice - I am Jake's mom. Can I order through your site or do I need to tell Kim and Jake what pictures I want?